Badische Staatsbrauerei Rothaus

Tannenzäpfle Alkoholfrei [Alcohol-Free]

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  • Regular price £3.00
Tax included.

Country: Germany //  Style: Alcohol-Free //  Size: 330ml Bottle  //  ABV: 0.4%

From the brewery:
"During the production of the Tannenzäpfle alcohol-free, the alcohol is extracted through a very special process. The beer aroma is thus retained. Our system removes the alcohol with steam under vacuum. In the following, the aromas are recovered particularly gently and remain in the beer. In order to achieve this, the Black Forest master brewers traveled all over the world to Australia to find a system that ultimately won them over.

We are convinced that you can taste the difference immediately: You don't notice the non-alcoholic beers in the beers. Refreshing suppository pleasure - without alcohol."